By answering "Yes" to the Data Use Agreement question below, you acknowledge the following terms of use:
You have read, understood, and agree to follow the terms listed below:
The licensee acknowledges the data is limited to the organization s physical location unless purchasing a multiple organizational license;
The licensee will not release nor permit others to release the individual patient records or any part of them to any person who is not a staff member of the organization (specified below), except with the written approval of DSHS;
The licensee will not attempt to link nor permit others to attempt to link the inpatient records of patients in this data set with personally identifiable records from any other source;
The licensee will not release nor permit others to release any information that identifies persons, directly or indirectly;
The licensee will not attempt to use nor permit others to use the data to learn the identity of any physician;
The licensee will not nor permit others to copy, sell, rent, license, lease, loan, or otherwise grant access to the data covered by this Agreement to any other person or entity, unless approved in writing by DSHS;
The licensee acknowledges that when releasing or disclosing the data set or any part to others in their organization they will retain full responsibility for the privacy and security of the data and will prohibit others from further release or disclosure of the data;
The licensee agrees to read the User Manual and understand the limitations of the data (User Manual located at:
The licensee will periodically check the DSHS/CHS/THCIC website for any technical updates to the data (;
The licensee will use the following citation in any publication of information from this file as: Texas Hospital Inpatient Discharge Public Use Data File, [quarter and year of data]. Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin, Texas. [date of publication];
The licensee will make no statement nor permit others to make statements indicating or suggesting that interpretations drawn from these data are those of DSHS. |